Our Sister Company
Gambia – Annie’s Honey Bunch Ltd
Annie’s Honey Bunch Ltd
Pure Forest Honey
Latri Kunda, Westfield, The Gambia
Founded in September, 2019
Gambia – Facts
The Gambia is a small, in West Africa. Stretching 450 km along the Gambia River, the country (all 10,689 square kilometers of it) is surrounded by Senegal, except for a 60-km Atlantic Ocean front.
The country has a population of 2.1 million. And is one of the most densely populated countries in Africa. Most of the population (57%) is concentrated around urban and peri-urban centers.
Following strong performance under the 2019 International Monetary Fund (IMF) Staff-Monitored Program , with a sharp reduction in the fiscal deficit.
The global COVID-19 pandemic is expected to have severe socioeconomic consequences.
Shopping In Gambia
- Around 80 shopping centers across Gambia From
- High end Malls as Kariaba to mid size and Small shopping malls
Personal care and
Hair Salons
Around 50 high end hair salons as the Sparkle Salons are operating in Gambia.
Many Mid size and small beauty shops as Beauty Stop are sealing international and local health products.

Annie’s Honey Bunch Ltd
Established in 2019
Manufacture and distributes a variety of honey base personal care products
Honey soaps, hair and body cream
Honey lip balm
The main distribution is done via leading supermarkets and beauty shops and hair salons
Distributing multinational professional care products
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